Tuesday, April 5, 2011

(watering)holes - Thirsty Thursday at the Lamp Post

Thirsty Thursday has become a ritual amongst myself and many of my fellow Velvet Undergrounders. I enjoy hanging on a Thursday night far more than Friday mostly because you can avoid the "9-5" Friday crowd. Friday is overwhelmed by weekend warriors ready to let loose all the angst that a "real" job has left them to drink away. If you're out on a Thursday night there is usually something more liberating about your schedule. This distinct group of (night)crawlers are usually students, artists, insomniacs, musicians, bohemians, eccentrics, hipsters, addicts of some sort, and the unemployed. This past Thursday was no exception. As mentioned in my recent blog, FYI(nformation) - 2 of 4-day Catch Up, a lot went on. The night was able to begin after I finally admitted to both myself and friends that I would attend Inked magazine's party at Lucky 7s. Much to my horror it was more than full. I am not one for tight spaces, especially if I have yet to loosen up with some booze. Unable to move or escape constant brushes against my lower body, I quickly planned my escape. Best idea ever. My roommate and I headed to the Lamp Post for some much needed personal space and beer. The crowd was a cool mix of locals and random strangers; a welcome change from a scene often littered with familiar faces. Bands were set to play and all seemed hyped to give a listen.

The first band had no problem filling the space with sound, but struggled to make a connection. While their guitar riffs were certainly catchy, the lead vocals left something to be desired. His voice often fell flat and off key from what I believe was a mixture of nerves and an inability to hear himself. Set to follow were a group of young guys who call themselves "The Embracers." With a sound that brought together a dance-worthy combination of rock, country, blues, and funk, The Embracers performed with energy and maturity. Matt Condon, the lead singer, had a voice that demanded attention. The only analogy that comes to mind is if Bob Dylan and Conor Oberst had a lovechild. Condon even offered up some well-sung harmonies with Mike Neglia, the band's talented drummer.

Vocal Harmony; 2nd and Brunswick
The Lamp Post provided some much needed refuge in what was an overall chaotic evening. While 7s was surely a sight filled with tattooed beauty, the Lamp Post came with no attitude and some good tunes.  Though the Lamp Post overcharges for Yuengling ($5 a pint, get real!) they match 7s with cans of PBR for $2.50. If you need a break from the everyday hubbub, this might be your spot. Especially if you luck out with a live music act like The Embracers. A lot should be said for a young band that can stand out in a room that often drowns those playing in it. The Velvet Undergrounders and I were on our feet before they broke into a jamming cover of the Grateful Dead's Casey Jones. It's one thing to know your music, it's another to know your crowd.


  1. we should check out their open mic night sometime...

  2. i should certainly see what goes down at the open mic. as well as the open mic at grassroots.
