Friday, March 18, 2011

(spot)light - the Strokes came to Chilltown

Photo by Dean Luis
Critically-acclamied NYC locals and all around cool guys, the Strokes, stopped by Loew's JC Theatre for a music video shoot that lasted 17hrs on February 16th. The band, one of my favorites since their explosion onto the scene in 2001, will release the much anticipated album "Angels" on March 22nd. The music video is for the Strokes' single "Under Cover of Darkness." I read in a local paper that Colin Egan, the theater director, called the shoot "organized chaos." Chaos is my favorite type of organization.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I dig more, the song or how amazing Loew's Theatre looks on film. Either way, it's true listening and viewing gold. Grab your headphones, pump up the volume, sit back, and check it. For a behind the scene pic, additional ramblings and a link to the music video, click "read more." It can be found just below the facebook "like" button. While you're there, click that too. It'll be worth it... reading is (fun)damental.

Nick Valensi gets suited up backstage
the Strokes join a long line of artists that have graced the halls of the Landmark Loew's JC Theatre. This list includes Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Cab Calloway, and Beck; who I hear was accompanied by puppets.

Be sure to enjoy the amazing Baroque architecture the theatre has to offer, and the chic suits the Strokes wear. Quite different from their traditional skinny jeans and leather jackets. The theatre opened in 1929 at the cost of a very impressive $2 million dollars. Peep the music video. See what's playing @ Loew's JC.

1 comment:

  1. they're playing beetlejuice next weekend we should go!
