Tuesday, March 22, 2011

(night)crawlers - Aging with Grace

Levi meets Ralph; 3rd and Monmouth 

On a recent stumble between one (watering)hole and the next, I bumped into my nephew who's 5 years my junior. We both enjoy drinks in smoke-filled rooms, so we proceeded to have a pint at Abbys. My nephew is stylish but does it with ease. He rocked a pair of Levis and Ralph Lauren boots - Bench made; both of which were worn-in and aging gracefully.

Recently entering my 30s, I get excited when people think I'm 20 something. I don't ever feel old until that happens; my mind's admission of its desire to be young(er). I have no interest in fighting the inevitable but I do wonder how it's going to go down. Will I age like a pair of Jordache or Levis? I'm hoping for the latter.  I guess it all comes down to good genes.

In case you're following, all posts entitled "(night)crawlers" will chronicle the style worn by other creatures of the night.


  1. god, those shoes are nice!!!!!!

  2. yeah they are. I'm plotting a sneak-attack swipe in the not too distant future.

  3. @ Suk... I assume you mean the strong and funky type. I'm thinking Grayson.

  4. Strong and funky. I was not previously familiar with Grayson so I looked it up and I got this:

    "...it starts off tangy, fresh, and sweet, and finishes as warm and smooth as butter."

    I think Grayson is on the mark mate. Definitely not the blue green veiny type.

  5. you know, being the egomaniac that i am, when i read the title i thought this was going to be about ME!
    Imagine my disappointment when i read it's about your jeans.... :)

  6. it's about my nephew's jeans... and his boots... and my aging complex.

    I thought you would probably think it was about you. ha.

  7. i love your writing..... i will continue reading, don't you worry

    you are too stylish yourself to let this aspect of life go unnoticed. xxo
