Wednesday, March 23, 2011

(spot)light - Clever Boys

Tactless; Grand and Bates

While driving down Grand Street Tuesday morning, I was fortunate enough to have been cut off by "masculinity" on wheels. I quickly thought about how badly I wanted to promote Greater Northern Paving on my blog, and proceeded to follow them into the McDonald's parking lot. What struck me most about this company, besides my assumption that they weren't locals, was their interesting attempt at a slogan. Far more sad than funny, I'm sure this was the cause of many high fives and repeated illusions of grandeur. I can't figure out who they're marketing to. Maybe a fraternity has decided to get some serious cementing done? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some find it hysterical. I just think, or maybe hope, it turns more off than on.

Just so we're clear, this has nothing to do with liberal (though I am) PC bullshit. It's about the rejection of thoughtless mediocrity. Greater Northern Paving's website does not work, denying me additional rant material.