Jordan's; 247 Newark Ave. |
I can't deny that every now and then I thoroughly enjoy having my liberal, pretentious (at times) existence turned upside down due to my own assumptions. This was certainly the case as I made my way to catch the train to the East Village. The Camel junkie that I've once again become led me to stroll past Jordan's Lounge after scoring a pack on Newark Ave. While walking past the large windows, probably due to some narcissistic need to steal a quick glance of myself, I saw what appeared to be a rainbow flag. After processing the image and storefront I immediately came to a halt and turned my bewildered ass around. Could Jordan's Lounge be promoting a gay night? Not so said I. If not for any reason then my belief that the majority of urban hip-hop culture is almost as far from acceptance of gays as those crazies who surround fallen soldiers' funerals. I mean "no homo" anyone? Much to my pleasantly surprised and thoroughly confused eyes was this:
Wrong Assumption; Jordan's |
Jordan's has officially joined the ranks of Opie & Anthony and most U.S. bars in helping Hump Day get your flash, drink, freak and now drag on. It was also clearly the cause of some extreme thought and a bizarre jolt of toxic shock. Could Jordan's be the only ongoing Drag Queen/King show in JC? Jordan's demands JC to "Work it Out" on Wednesdays. Emphasis clearly on the OUT. Take note Star Bar.
Peep the show on the last Wednesday of every month. $5 cover.